We previously reported that Microsoft announced a new streaming service called Project xCloud which makes it possible for Xbox One fans to play their games on all types of devices starting with Android smartphones and ending with tablets. Well, it looks like Sony didn’t like that Microsoft is “stealing” all the spotlight and decided to confirm that the next-generation PlayStation 5 is being developed right now!
Sony Confirms PlayStation 5
Even though the internet is buzzing with rumors and speculations about PlayStation 5, they don’t mean anything if Sony doesn’t confirm that the next-generation console is actually being developed. Fortunately, this is exactly what Sony President and CEO Kenichiro Yoshida said yesterday in an interview.
Unnamed Product
The first thing we need to mention about what the Sony President and CEO said is that PlayStation 5 is still an unnamed product. Sony is not sure what to call it and we shouldn’t be surprised to see that it’s not PlayStation 5. The reason we are saying this is because tech companies are not known to name their devices according to logic, i.e. Apple went from iPhone 8 to iPhone X.
2021 Launch Date
Another interesting thing that Kenichiro Yoshida said in the interview is that we should expect PlayStation 5 to launch somewhere in 2021. “We will use the next three years to prepare the next step, to crouch down so that we can jump higher in the future,” added the Sony President and CEO.
Next-Generation Console
The gaming industry is constantly evolving and Sony always finds a way to come out on top. Therefore, we believe that PlayStation 5 will feature cutting-edge hardware specs that might make it possible for console players to receive the same graphics and FPS experience that PC players get to enjoy.
The only thing that we can do right now is to wait and see if Sony decides to “leak” some of the hardware specs and features that PlayStation 5 will have to offer.