Microsoft has announced that Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds or PUBG for short is now free to download and keep on Xbox One for today! Therefore, we advise all Xbox One fans to rush and get the game as soon as possible because we don’t know if Microsoft will make PUBG free for download ever again. In addition, Xbox One fans can also download the game directly from the Microsoft Store by clicking this link.
PUBG is Free On Xbox One
Microsoft hosted a big X01b show on Saturday and that’s where it announced that PUBG fans are going to receive some great news. Well, it looks like Microsoft was not lying because PUBG is now free to download on Xbox One for a limited time. We have to give Microsoft praise for doing this because PUBG is priced at $29.99 on the Microsoft Store.
One Year Exclusivity
What many people don’t know about PUBG is that the game is also scheduled to launch on PlayStation 4 next year. This leads us to believe that Microsoft has paid PUBG for one year of Xbox One exclusivity and Microsoft is now looking for ways to get more people on Xbox One before the game launches on PlayStation 4.
Bugs and Issue
We should also note that even though Microsoft secured a deal to make PUBG exclusive on Xbox One, this was not a wise choice. Despite being a hit on PC, PUBG didn’t do so well on consoles because the game has been littered with bugs and glitches during the first months when it launch and as you can probably tell, Xbox One fans didn’t want to spend $29.99 for a game that doesn’t run without any issues.
Microsoft is Threatened by PlayStation 4
If there’s something else that we can take from this latest announcement made by Microsoft, then it must be the fact that Microsoft feels threatened by PlayStation 4 and it believes that all PUBG fans are going to move there.