Xiaomi Redmi 5 launched earlier this year and it shipped with Google’s Android 7.1 Nougat operating system. Luckily, Xiaomi is always one step ahead of other companies when it comes to getting Android updates and the Chinese based tech giant has announced that Redmi 5 is now eligible to download Android 8.1 Oreo Beta which comes with a bunch of MIUI 10 improvements and software tweaks.
Android 8.1 Oreo Beta and MIUI 10
This is not the final version of Android 8.1 Oreo and therefore, only Redmi 5 owners who are enlisted in the beta program can get their hands on the new operating system update. Fortunately, enlisting in the beta program is not a complicated process and the only thing that Redmi 5 owners will need to do in return for receiving access to the latest Android operating system updates is to send feedback to the developers.
Nonetheless, the update is going to stay in the beta phase for at least one week and once Xiaomi determines that everything works as intended and that there aren’t any bugs, the Chinese based tech giant will roll out the stable version of Android 8.1 Oreo to all Redmi 5 OTA (over the air).
MIUI 10 Improvements
As we previously mentioned, the new update also comes with a handful of MIUI 10 improvements. Redmi 5 owners who are going to download the new Android 8.1 Oreo beta update will be pleased to find out that the update introduces new features, software tweaks, new ringtones (nature-inspired), improved notifications shader, full-screen gestures and a new design for the Recents menu.
Wrapping Things Up
Even though we don’t know the exact date when Xiaomi is going to roll out the final version of the new update, Redmi 5 owners can rest assured that the update is coming their way and that their smartphones will run better than ever.