Have you ever tried to send files to someone who owns a smartphone that is powered by a different operating system than yours and couldn’t do it? This happens to everyone and it’s highly annoying. Google and Apple have set up a big “fence” so that Android users can’t interact with iOS users and vice-versa. This might prove to be a big problem for some of you because you won’t be able to share important file such as work spreadsheets, documents and so on. Fortunately, here is where Xender comes in and saves the day.
How to Share Files From Android to iOS
There are many tricks that can help people share files from Android to iOS devices, but the simplest one of them all is to use Xender. For those who are unfamiliar with this app, Xender has been designed to make it possible for people to share all types of files with whomever they want.
Xender removes all operating system restrictions and makes it possible for Android fans to share files over to iOS powered devices, but this is not all that Xender can do.
Share All Types of Files
Hands down, the best feature that Xender has to offer is its ability to share all types of files. People who decide to give Xender a try will find out that they can share everything starting with phone contacts, notes and ending with fully installed apps.
The fact that Xender can share all types of files makes it a great app to have for people who have just purchased a new smartphone. The reason we are saying this is because Xender users can simply connect the old phone to the new one and transfer all the important data (including game saves) in a matter of seconds.