Apple took a huge risk back in 2016 when it launched iPhone 7. This was the world’s first flagship smartphone to not feature a headphone jack. This major design change wasn’t well received at first, but it soon became a trend with all other smartphone manufacturer giving up on the 3.5mm auxiliary jack as well.
However, Samsung was the only company who didn’t want to follow in Apple’s footsteps and despite having to deal with design complications in order to offer a full-screen design and still keep a headphone jack, Samsung did it.
As everyone already knows, Samsung has officially revealed its highly anticipated Galaxy S10 and Galaxy F (foldable smartphone) yesterday during the Mobile World Congress event and something quite important was missing from Galaxy F.
Even though Samsung still equipped Galaxy S10 with a headphone jack, this feature didn’t appear on the foldable smartphone.
Samsung Gives Up on the Headphone Jack
Samsung needed to equip Galaxy S10 with a headphone jack in order to show the world that it’s keeping true to its word. However, we don’t know for how long this is going to continue. Samsung is now going to be left behind and the fact that it decided to remove the headphone jack on Galaxy F shows us that Samsung has already given up on it.
Introducing the Galaxy Buds
From the looks of it, Samsung’s next-generation smartphone for 2019 is not going to ship with the classic 3.5mm jack. Samsung also launched a pair of wireless earbuds called Galaxy Buds during the Mobile World Congress event, but there won’t be that many Samsung fans who will buy the accessory since they still have a headphone jack.
The removal of the headphone jack and the launch of the Galaxy Buds leads to believe that Galaxy S11 is going to be Samsung’s first flagships smartphone that won’t cater to headphones which need a 3.5mm auxiliary port.