We reported last month that Facebook Messenger has received a hidden Dark Mode on iOS that could be enabled by sending the “moon” emoji in a chat and tapping on it. The reason why this feature wasn’t available to everyone is because Facebook’s developers were still testing it but now, the testing phase is over and the Dark Mode is being rolled out to all Android and iOS users.
Facebook Messenger Gets Dark Mode
The feature is no longer an Easter Egg that can be activated only by sending the moon emoji in a chat and everyone can enable it from the Setting menu. The only thing that Facebook Messenger users need to do in order to enable the feature is to head over to the app’s Setting menu, tap on the profile picture of the app and then simply tap once again on the toggle switch for “dark mode”.
The Benefits of Dark Mode
First of all, the Dark Mode makes Facebook Messenger look much sleeker and there is no doubt about that. However, the best thing about the Dark Mode is the fact that the mode makes it easier on the eyes of users who work night shifts and are annoyed by having their eyes blasted by the brightness of the app’s white background. To top it all off, the Dark Mode is also going to lower the overall battery power that Facebook Messenger needs in order to run.
Final Words
Even though the Dark Mode for Facebook Messenger might not be a groundbreaking feature and we already know that it was coming, we have to agree that this is a highly useful feature. The all-black UI (user interface) looks amazing and it’s going to make it so much more enjoyable to use the chatting app.