Telegram is a powerful chatting app but unlike the likes of WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger, Telegram likes to keep things simple. What makes Telegram stand out the most when compared to apps that offer similar features is the fact that Telegram offers a simple, fast and secure user experience, with an emphasis on security. This app has been downloaded and installed by more than 200 million people and this speaks volumes about the performances that it offers.
Next-Level Security
Hands down, the best thing about Telegram is the app’s high-level user security. The one thing that Telegram’s developers guarantee to all users is that their data and private conversations are never going to get hacked or leaked as it has happened to other chatting apps.
In fact, there was an instance where Telegram got in trouble in Russian because the app’s founder didn’t want to provide the developer with a master key that could unlock all conversations.
New 5.6.2 Update
Nonetheless, the reason why Telegram is making headlines today is because it has just received a new update. The update sports the 5.6.2 version number and it comes with a plethora of new features that we are going to list below.
- Swipe left on any chat to archive it.
- Swipe left on your archive to hide it from the chat list.
- Pin an unlimited number of chats in your archive.
- See who is online straight from the chat list and sharing menu.
- Select multiple chats in the chats list to delete, pin or archive them.
- Choose between two-line and three-line chats in the chat list.
- Enjoy the redesigned app icon and menus throughout the app.
- Use the quick ‘Forward’ buttons when selecting messages.
As we can clearly see in the patch notes, this is a high-priority update that introduces lots of new features. Therefore, all Telegram users are advised to download it ASAP.