Apple and Google always highlighted the fact that their smartphones have a built-in dedicated AI (artificial intelligence) assistant and that Samsung doesn’t. This pushed the South Korean based tech giant to create Bixby which the equivalent of Google’s Assistant, Apple’s Siri and Amazon’s Alexa. Unfortunately for Samsung, Bixby didn’t get too much attention from fans and many people who use Samsung’s smartphones have never even asked Bixby a single question.
Even though Bixby is not being used as much as Samsung intended, this doesn’t mean that Samsung is ready to give up on the AI assistant yet. The reason why we are saying this is because Samsung has just announced that it will launch a new Bixby marketplace that will give users quick access to “Bixby capsules”.
Introducing the New Bixby Marketplace
The new Bixby marketplace will work similarly to Amazon’s Alexa skills which make it possible for users to get fast access to numerous functionalities of a third-party app directly through voice commands.
Therefore, Bixby marketplace will provide Samsung fans with the ability to customize special “capsules” that contain specific commands such as letting Bixby know that every time they say “find me a ride”, the users are talking about Uber or Lyft.
Improved Voice Commands
Samsung has confirmed that Bixby marketplace already supports a large number of third-party apps and some of the most popular ones are: Spotify, Yelp, YouTube, NPR and Google Maps. Furthermore, the South Korean based tech giant announced that Bixby marketplace will not feature any visual ads.
Final Words
The new Bixby marketplace is a game changer for Samsung fans who enjoy using the AI assistant and there is no doubt about that. We have to give praise to Samsung for always coming up with updates that improve the overall performances of its already premium apps.