Home Apps Google Chrome’s New Global Media Controls Will Launch to the Public Version...

Google Chrome’s New Global Media Controls Will Launch to the Public Version Soon


Google Chrome is the most popular browser in the world and there is no doubt about that. All Android powered smartphones are using Chrome and not just that, but hundreds of millions of desktop PCs are also using Chrome. One of the reasons why so many people are relying on Chrome when it comes to browsing the web is the fact that Google is always improving it through a stream of constant updates.

The Android parent is renowned for constantly pushing software updates to its most important services and Chrome is one of them. Therefore, Chrome fans should be pleased to find out that Google is now testing a brand-new feature for the browser which is called “Global Media Controls”.

Google Chrome Global Media Controls

The new feature is currently available for the development version of Chrome and it gives users access to a play button that is located next to the URL (next to the bookmark star). If the user has any video playing in one of the tabs, the play button will make it possible for the user to control what happens with that video (pause, play, skip forward or backward). What’s great about this button is the fact that the user doesn’t have to actually access the tab where the video is located.

Useful Feature

While the new Global Media Controls that Google wants to introduce in the public version of Chrome might not be something groundbreaking, we have to admit that the play button is quite useful. This button is perfect for people who enjoy listening to music by opening YouTube in a separate tab while studying or working.

We should also note that Google has recently removed the option to mute tabs by clicking directly on the speaker icon. Luckily, this can now be done just by clicking on the Global Media Controls.