A new iteration of the Street Fighter series is under development by Capcom and set to release next year. Without having a precise release date, there’s still plenty to find out about Street Fighter 6.
According to Polygon, Capcom revealed that the upcoming Street Fighter game would have 18 fighters. Here are the courageous fellows who will be fighting in the game:
- Luke
- Jamie
- Kimberly
- Ken
- Chun-Li
- Dhalsim
- Ryu
- Guile
- JP
- Dee Jay
- Manon
- Marisa
- E. Honda
- Blanka
- Juri
- Cammy
- Zangief
- Lily
While all Street Fighter fans have heard about Ryu, Gulie, or Blanka, there are some new fighters as well. We can take into account names such as Luke and Juri, for instance.
Here’s what a part of the Steam overview has to say about the upcoming game:
“Powered by Capcom’s proprietary RE ENGINE, the Street Fighter 6 experience spans across three distinct game modes featuring World Tour, Fighting Ground and Battle Hub. The game includes innovative Real Time Commentary feature, a brand new Drive System for your battle creativity, a variety of game modes and an introduction to a new Modern Control Type for all players to enjoy!”
There are no system requirements exposed as far as we can tell, but we can surely expect that to change in the near future. However, it seems reasonable to expect that a video card of at least 2GB of VRAM will be needed.
Street Fighter 6 will be available in plenty of languages, so there’s no use starting to worry if you speak only English or Japanese, for instance. The game will also be translated into French, Italian, German, Spanish, Arabic, Portuguese (Brazil), Polish, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and Korean.
Street Fighter 6 will be playable for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PC, and Xbox Series X/S.