Fallout 76 is launching tomorrow (November 14th) and everyone who has pre-ordered the game is getting a chance to log in at midnight. This is great news for fans of the Fallout franchise since it’s been a couple of years since the latest Fallout game launched. Nonetheless, the reason we are talking about Fallout 76 today other than the fact that the game is launching tomorrow is that Bethesda is offering a bunch of in-game goodies to everyone.
Fallout 76 Free Gifts
Bethesda wants to get people excited about its new game and to thank the people who have supported it and it’s giving out three Fallout 76 avatars. These avatars are limited edition and players will not be able to get them anytime else. Therefore, we advise all Fallout 76 fans to head over to Bethesda’s website and claim one of the avatars before they run out because they are available until tomorrow.
PlayStation 4 Exclusive Gifts
The catch to these free gifts is that Bethesda is only giving them away to PlayStation 4 owners. We don’t know why Bethesda is picking sides and its making Xbox One players feel left out, but the reason might be that Sony is paying Bethesda to do this.
Fallout 76 Power Armor
On the other hand, PlayStation 4 owners can also enter a raffle where they can win a Fallout 76 Power Armor Edition pack. This pack includes a Canvas West Tek Duffle Bag, Wearable T-518Power Armor Helmet, Exclusive Steelcase, 24 Collectible Figurines, Glow-in-the-Dark World Terrain Map and Tricentennial Edition Bonus Digital Items.
Even though Bethesda is giving out three new avatars for free, we have to admit that it’s quite unusual that Xbox One players are not getting the same treatment. Let’s hope that Bethesda decides to make it up in the future.