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How Technology is Reshaping the Modern Workplace


Employees in the 21st century now demand modern experiences that make them feel like a part of an innovative and forward-thinking work culture. This is Fwhy modern technology is very quickly reshaping the workplace. Technology has always been centred around increasing efficiency and productivity, and many new software solutions are doing just that in the modern workplace. In today’s article, we have a look at just how technology is shifting the way things are done in the workplace, so read on to find out more.

  1. Rostering Made Easy

One of the key components of running a modern business is ensuring that employees clock in on time and are putting in the hours. This is where scheduling comes into play. Take, for example, Deputy. Deputy is an Australian scheduling software platform that assists managers and business owners in creating rosters that employees can remotely access. Employees not only have immediate access to their schedules but can also send in requests for days off or shift changes at the touch of a button. This reduces the amount of time that HR and management spend on approving these requests, thus freeing up time and increasing productivity levels. Scheduling software is also a fantastic way for managers to keep track of the number of hours employees are working, absenteeism rates and no shows – all things that affect business productivity in the long run. 

2. Cloud Systems

Cloud systems have truly transformed the way modern businesses operated. Instead of storing piles and piles of data in drawers or storage facilities, information can now be stored on the cloud platform and remotely accessed from anywhere in the world. This has enabled businesses to not just cut down on storage space but also have a secure backup of important data and information that is accessible at all times. Managers and employees use the cloud system when away from the office to complete tasks and retrieve information. The cloud system also safeguards the loss of information in the unfortunate event of natural disasters such as floods or fires.

3. Keep Organised With Project Management Software

Project management software is one of the best ways that businesses all around the globe keep organised. Running a business is tough work, and keeping organised even tougher. With the assistance of project management software, businesses are able to streamline information and keep track of workplace activities easily. Project management software assigns tasks to employees and fixes issues such as accountability, efficiency and on-time completion of tasks. 

4. Efficient Business Communication

With technologies such as video conferencing now being used by businesses all over the world, upper management can easily communicate or have virtual meetings with clients or business partners across the world. Communication amongst employees is also made quick and easy through instant messaging or online chat portals. With the help of technology, staff needn’t be at their desks 24/7. In fact, employees can spend more time engaging in other works outside the office whilst still keeping in touch with colleagues via video conferencing, thus increasing the productivity levels of staff as a whole. 

5. Keep on Track With Accounts

Account management software is key to running a successful business. Instead of having accountants spend gruelling hours over the books, account management software can take the burden off your staff by automating your accounting process. Not only will you eliminate human error in accounting, but you will also free up your accounting team’s time and allow them to focus more attention on more pressing matters in the workplace. Accounting software also makes monthly payrolls a breeze, as everything is handled automatically. This, in turn, keeps you well organised and makes filing taxes much simpler when the time comes. 


Technology now forms the core basis of thousands of businesses around the world. We hope that this article has shown you exactly how it is reshaping the modern workplace and why every business owner should embrace technology in 2019.