Samsung launched the mid-budget range Galaxy A10 last month in India and now, the South Korean based tech giant is getting ready to launch a new affordable smartphone called Galaxy A2 Core (SM-A260). The official press render smartphone was leaked earlier today and we have “evleaks” to thank for that.
With that said, let’s see which are the highlight features that we can spot in the leaked press render so that Samsung fans can get a better idea of what the new smartphone has to offer.
Galaxy A2 Core – Leaked Press Render
The leaked press render makes it clear that Galaxy A2 Core is a budget smartphone due to its plastic back panel, single lens camera and small display. Galaxy A2 Core will feature a 16:9 screen, a single rear camera that is paired with LED flash and a loudspeaker grill which is located beneath the rear camera.
Android Go Edition
From the looks of it, Galaxy A2 Core will be Samsung’s next Android Go Edition smartphone which means that it will be the successor of Galaxy J2 Core (SM-J260) which launched last year. The Android Go program is designed for lower-end smartphones that offer reliable performances and an affordable price tag.
GeekBench Listing
Even though Samsung has yet to announce the smartphone’s official hardware specs, Galaxy A2 Core has been spotted on GeekBench last week where we could see that the smartphone is powered by an Exynos 7870 SoC that is paired with 1GB of RAM. The GeekBench listing also revealed that Galaxy A2 Core will run on Android 8.1 Oreo straight out of the box.
Expected Release Date
As previously mentioned, Samsung has yet to announce any important details about Galaxy A2 Core. However, the leaked press render mentions March 22nd and we believe that this is the date when Galaxy A2 Core will launch.