Even though most of the times that Samsung makes headlines is when the company launches a new smartphone, today we have something different to share with everyone. Samsung has launched a trio of new products for the ecosystem called SmartThings. The new products are entry-level smart home devices and the one that stands out the most is a $89.99 SmartThings Cam. Since this is Samsung we are talking about, no one should be surprised to find out that the SmartThings Cam is equipped with a plethora of premium features such as full HD, High Dynamic Range and even wide-angle.
SmartThings Cam
The new camera from Samsung has been specially designed to compete against Google and Amazon. Therefore, SmartThings Cam ships with a couple of special features that can’t be found on the cameras launched by Google and Amazon such as a night vision mode. What really makes the SmartThings Cam stand out is the fact that it can capture 145 degrees in a resolution of 1080p and its rather affordable price tag of $89.99.
Samsung Speaks Out
“We want to help families keep their connected lives simple and seamless using SmartThings to bring together hundreds of popular smart home products in one platform,” said SK Kim who is the Senior Director of IoT Product Marketing at Samsung. “Our new SmartThings Cam, Wi-Fi Smart Plug and Smart Bulb create new pathways into our smart home platform, where users will discover how everyday tasks can easily be automated,” added SK Kim.
The SmartThings Cam is a great device that is going to make it easier for people to monitor their homes. All that people who purchase the new SmartThings Cam need to do is to set it up in their homes and then to download the smartphone SmartThings app.