Have you ever wondered why SnapTube is one of the most popular apps available to Android smartphone users? If you have, then the answer to that question is fairly simple. SnapTube makes it possible for all Android fans to download online videos and watch them while offline which basically means that SnapTube gives everyone access to an unlimited supply of online videos. Nonetheless, today we are going to check out which are the top three features that SnapTube has to offer.
- Download Multiple Online Videos
The developers who are in charge of SnapTube knew right from the start that their app’s fanbase will want to download as many online videos as possible and this is why they have equipped SnapTube with a special file downloading system called “multiple threads”. This system enables SnapTube users to download multiple videos at the same time at faster speeds than any other video downloading apps.
- Friendly User Interface
Even though the UI (user interface) might not be classified as a standalone feature for most apps, we are going to make an exception for SnapTube. The reason behind this is that SnapTube’s UI is user-friendly and this makes easier for users to find the options that they need in order to download their favorite online videos.
- Custom Search Results
The last thing that we want to mention about SnapTube is the fact that this app is equipped with a special search system. This system can search for online videos over the entire internet just by one single keyword.
To top it all off, the search system will also start analyzing the types of videos that the user searches for on a regular basis so that it can provide him or her with more accurate and custom search results.