Xender is a powerful app for Android smartphones that gives users access to a plethora of file sharing features. Although, the best thing about Xender is the fact that this app doesn’t place any restrictions on users. Xender enables users to share files with their friends who might use different operating systems and not just that, but Xender also doesn’t have any restrictions when it comes to file sharing which means that the app can transfer files of large sizes and all kinds of file formats.
Even though Xender is an Android app, this doesn’t necessarily mean that the app can’t be installed on other operating systems. There is a simple workaround that makes it possible even for macOS users to access the plethora of features that Xender brings to the table. With that being said, today we are going to show everyone how to install Xender on macOS.
How to Install Xender on macOS
As we have already mentioned, Xender is an app that works on Android powered devices. Therefore, all macOS users who are interested in the features that Xender has to offer will need to download a third-party Android emulator.
There are lots of emulators that macOS users can pick from and we are going to use BlueStacks as an example. The reason why we are picking BlueStacks to be our designated Android emulator for macOS is the fact that BlueStacks is free.
Nonetheless, the first thing that macOS users need to do after installing BlueStacks is to head over to Xender’s official website and downloaded the latest APK version of the app. We need to mention that there are multiple APK providers and macOS users can pick the one that suits their needs the most.
Now that BlueStacks has been installed on the macOS powered computer and that the latest APK version of Xender has been downloaded, all that macOS users need to do is to simply open the APK file in BlueStacks and wait for the installation process to be over.