Epic Games is scheduled to release the much-anticipated Chapter 2, Season 2 of Fortnite during the upcoming weeks but from the looks of it, this is not going to happen anymore. The reason why we are saying that is because the game publisher has confirmed that it will delay the launch of Fortnite’s next update.
This is surprising news because Fortnite is one of the world’s most popular games and the constant stream of updates from Epic Games is the main reason behind that.
Fortnite Chapter 2, Season 2 Gets Delayed
Even though Epic Games announced that the upcoming Fortnite update will not arrive on time, the game publisher didn’t reveal what caused this to happen.
Rumor has it that this is a result of the COVID-19 global outbreak. The developers who work for Epic Games are probably working remotely and this makes it more difficult to stay on schedule.
Not the First Time
We also want to mention that this is not the first time that Epic Games postponed the launch of a new Fortnite update. Since Fortnite is played by so many people, the game publisher doesn’t want to take any chances with bug fixes and changes that can impact the game balance.
Therefore, another theory behind the delay is that Epic Games still needs more time to test all the features that the update is going to introduce.
Free Bonuses
On the bright side of things, Epic Games confirmed that it will add and extended bonuses to keep the Fortnite community happy while they are waiting for the new update to arrive.
“We have multiple game updates on the way that will deliver fresh gameplay, new challenges, bonus XP [experience points], and a couple more surprise up our sleeve,” said Epic Games.