Apex Legends has been out for only one week and Respawn Entertainment has reported that the game already has more than 25 million players! This is an impressive feat and it shows to everyone that there is always room for a new Battle Royale and that Fortnite is not going to rule forever. However, Apex Legends still has a long way to go before it can dethrone Fortnite.
25 Million Players
“This past week has been beyond our wildest imagination. Thank you to all 25 million Legends out there. You too Shroud, DrDisrespect, CouRageJD, FemSteph, Ninja and many more amazing creators out there!” said the developers of Apex Legends on the game’s official Twitter account.
As if this wasn’t impressive enough, Vince Zamepella who is the CEO of Respawn Entertainment has revealed that Apex Legends has had more than two million concurrent players over the weekend. Who would’ve guessed that another Battle Royale game can amass such a giant user base in only one week?
Should Fortnite be Afraid?
Seeing how millions of people are joining Apex Legends every single day, the question that everyone must be asking themselves is if Fortnite should be afraid? The answer to that question is yes.
Even though Apex Legends is far away from reaching the player base that Fortnite has, Apex Legends still poses a big threat to Fortnite because this is what everyone is talking about lately and the game’s user base is surely going to keep growing in the weeks to come.
We should mention that Fortnite is always going to have an advantage over Apex Legends because there are also the iOS and Android versions of Fortnite which have helped Epic Games get a player base of more than 200 million. Therefore, no one should be shocked if Apex Legends announces a mobile version of the game in the upcoming future.