OnePlus has a new flagship Android phone that it could bring to the upcoming Mobile World Congress. However, the OEM is now said to be looking beyond its existing handsets for its next big international trade expo. It is currently speculated that it would feature a successor to the groundbreaking smartphone concept known as Concept One, which made its debut at CES a few years ago.
OnePlus will most likely send the third-generation Hasselblad-branded flagship device to the big show, despite the fact that the company has already planned the worldwide debut of its newest premium smartphone well in advance of the beginning of MWC 2023. However, a fresh piece of information suggests that the OEM could also have something even more recent to display at the event.
During CES 2020, the business showed off its Concept One smartphone, which included its vision of the future camera hump for smartphones. Although real-world flagships such as the 11 went in a much different, trend-following way instead, this device had the capability of masking its back shooters as a blank slab of black glass whenever the user desired.
Mobile World Congress 2023 is around one month away and there’s going to be a few new products to experience!
One of them will be #OnePlusConceptTwo 👀 Stay tuned!
— Max Jambor (@MaxJmb) January 19, 2023
It’s possible that the next prototype that the firm creates will have a higher chance of being adopted into products like the one-day ’12’ The trustworthy leaker Max Jambor claims that it will make its debut as the Concept Two at MWC 2023, despite the fact that the color-changing 8T was developed by the in-house Gaudi team.
If this turns out to be the case, the prototype that has been reported about may include further electrochromic technologies. On the other hand, OnePlus may now have opportunity for research and development of foldable smartphones owing to its parent company, OPPO. If not for foldable smartphones, OnePlus may potentially have scope for rollable or frameless devices.