Apex Legends is taking over the gaming industry and there is no doubt about that. Just when everyone thought that Battle Royale games are fading away, Apex Legends came in and showed that millions of people are still interested in playing this type of fast-paced FPS game while being throw in an arena filled with enemies. Nonetheless, Apex Legends is having so much success that the world’s biggest eSports teams have started creating rosters for upcoming tournaments
Cloud 9 Shows Off Apex Roster
Cloud 9 has decided to jump on the Apex Legends hype train and they announced that they have finalized their eSport roster for the game. Here are the pro players that will represent Cloud 9 in Apex Legends tournaments:
- Joseph “Frexs” Sanchez;
- Greg “GergoFPS” McAllen;
- Jamison “C9PVPX”;
- Justin “iam_chappie” Andrews.
Cloud 9 has also released a teaser video that starts off with Sneaky, the famous League of Legends player, showcasing some of his skills in Apex Legends. After Sneaky gets the win, he turns to the camera and says “If you think I am good, you should see these guys!”.
The video then cuts to pro players who dominate their enemies in the arena. The video is 4:29 long and it clearly shows that the new Cloud 9 team represents a big threat to all other Apex Legends pro players.
Upcoming League
Respawn Entertainment knows that fans are interested in seeing a professional Apex Legends league and the game developer said that it is interested in starting one. However, there is one problem here. Apex Legends is a Battle Royale where multiple teams can join and this makes the League match format quite different from what we’re used to seeing with games such as League of Legends, Overwatch, World of Warcraft and CS:GO.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ir2_IC13u4E]