As the entire world is talking about how Apex Legends might have what it takes to dethrone Fortnite, Epic Games is making sure that this doesn’t happen by releasing new updates. If there’s something that we all can agree on when it comes to Fortnite, then it has to be the fact that the Battle Royale has been improving every month ever since it was released.
Therefore, Epic Games decided that it wants to celebrate Valentine’s Day by releasing the highly anticipated Patch v7.40. With that said, today we are going to go over the patch notes together and see what’s next in store for Fortnite.
Free Seasons 8 Battle Pass
The first thing that we want to note about this latest Fortnite update is that Epic Games is giving out a free Season 8 Battle Pass to everyone who completes the 13 free Overtime Challenges by February 27th. The new Battle Pass will give Fortnite players two Season 8 Outfits for free and the chance to earn up to five more.
Gifting – Limited Time
Since people love to give a gift to their significant others during Valentine’s Day, Epic Games is bringing back gifting. However, this feature is going to be available only until February 22nd. In addition, all players can send the Heartspan Glider for free until February 15th.
Limited Time Mod Rotations
Epic Games promised last week that Fortnite is going to feature a rotation of limited time mods in order to keep the game more interesting. The first mode is called Catch and we are going to present everything there is to know about it down below.
Introducing the “Catch” Game Mode
The Catch game mode is quite different from what Fortnite fans are used to. The reason why we are saying that is because all guns are removed in Catch and players have to rely on explosive and other items which can be throwed.
- Smoke Grenades;
- Clingers;
- Remote Explosives;
- Port-A-Forts;
- Impulse Grenades;
- Shockwave Grenades;
Mode Details:
- Chest spawns and Floor Spawns set to 100.
- Can only get consumables out of Chests, Floor Loot, and Supply Drops.
- Faster circle times.
- Increase Supply Drops throughout the game.
- Increased drop stack counts.
Changes to Weapons and Items
Infantry Rifle
- Available in Common, Uncommon and Rare variants.
- Deals 41, 43, 45 damage. 2x headshot multiplier.
- Can be found from Floor Loot, Chests, and Vending Machines.
- Uses Medium Ammo.
- Fires quick-moving projectiles without damage falloff.
Hand Cannon
- Reduced environmental damage from 150 to 100 for Epic Rarity.
- Reduced environmental damage from 157 to 105 for Legendary Rarity.
Rocket Launcher
- Shifted availability of Rocket Launchers out of Chests and into Supply Drops.
- Removed Rocket Launchers from Chests.
- Increased the chance of receiving a Rocket Launcher from Supply Drops from 25% to 50%.
Cupid’s Crossbow (Limited Time Item)
- Epic Rarity.
- Infinite ammo.
- Bodyshot Damage: 79.
- Headshot Damage: 197.
- Can be found in Floor Loot and Chests.
- Does 1 environmental damage.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue causing projectile weapons to fire inaccurately when aiming at other players from very close range.
- Fixed an issue that was causing explosive splash damage to be blocked when players didn’t actually have cover.
Final Words
These are the highlights of Fortnite’s new patch notes. However, there are lots of other game changes that the new update brings and everyone can check them ourt by clicking here. We have to give praise to Epic Games for including so much content in its monthly updates. If Epic Games continues to do this, then Fortnite is never going to be surpassed by Apex Legends or any other Battle Royale game.