Even though Apple is currently ruling the smartwatch industry with its latest Watch Series 4, this doesn’t mean that other tech manufacturers have given up. In fact, Samsung is investing lots of resources in its Galaxy Watch series and a brand-new leak which has recently surfaced on the web is showing that Samsung is ready to make some drastic design changes to its upcoming Galaxy watch Active 2. With that said, today we are going to take a closer look at the leaked Galaxy Watch Active 2 picture and present readers with everything there is to know about it.
Galaxy Watch Active 2
Samsung launched Galaxy Watch Active in February and despite that, the South Korean based tech giant is already adding the finishing touches to Galaxy Watch Active 2. The new leak which can be seen in the picture featured above comes from Sammobile and shows us that Samsung is ready to give up on the rotating bezel. This is a major design change and it leads us to believe that Galaxy Watch Active 2 will heavily rely on the touchscreen display.
Different Models
According to Sammobile, Galaxy Watch Active 2 will be available in two different size models. The first one will measure in at 40mm and the second one at 44mm. The size is not going to be the only difference between the two Galaxy Watch Active 2 models. The bigger model will ship with LTE support and it will have a bigger 340 mAh battery in comparison with the 237 mAh battery of the smaller device.
One UI Update
The last thing that we want to mention about this new Galaxy Watch Active 2 leak is that it confirms that Samsung is getting ready to launch a new One UI (user interface) update. The new update will sport the 1.5 version number and it’s probably scheduled to launch during the upcoming months.