Google is scheduled to launch Android Q later this year and with it, the Android parent is going to also release lots of exciting features such as a system-wide Dark Mode. Well, it looks like Google wants to make sure that its native Android apps are ready for the major update because Google Fi and Google Calendar are now being prepared to receive a Dark Mode for themselves. We need to mention that Google didn’t announce the two new modes and that the information was actually spotted in the code of the two apps instead.
The Famous Dark Mode
The latest trend in the software industry is the famous Dark Mode. This is a really great mode because it equips apps with a sleek looking UI (user interface) and it also makes the apps that receive it easier to use during the night since they won’t blind users with their background brightness anymore. Another important function that the Dark Mode brings is that it also reduces the overall amount of battery power that apps need in order to run.
Google Fi and Google Calendar
The latest updates for Google Fi and Google Calendar have introduced a new string of code which hints that the Dark Mode is coming to these two native Android apps.
<string name=”app_theme”>App theme</string>
<string name=”app_theme_dark”>Dark</string>
<string name=”app_theme_light”>Light</string>
<string name=”app_theme_system”>System default</string>
Final Words
From the looks of it, Android users will be able to pick between the Dark and Light themes when using Google Fi and Google Calendar. While the Dark Mode might not be a groundbreaking feature by any means, especially since Google Fi and Google Calendar are not apps that people use every day, it’s still nice to have and there is no doubt about that.