Bing chat, which is powered by artificial intelligence (AI), just received three new updates from Microsoft that promise to make the overall experience quicker and more responsive. The increase in chat turns, which now allows users to have up to 10 total chat turns and 110 turns in a single day, is one of the most significant changes that has been implemented. In the past, there was a limit of only six chat turns, which made Bing chat appear to be somewhat restricted in more in-depth scenarios.
Microsoft has decreased the amount of time it takes for users to receive responses to their questions or conversations on Skype by fifty percent, in addition to increasing the number of chat turns available. This change was made in the background with the intention of making Bing chat even more interactive and responsive for its users.
Last but not least, Microsoft has remedied the “something went wrong” error codes that a number of users have reported seeing when attempting to use the Bing chat feature. Because the problem has been located and resolved by the company, users should not receive error messages of this nature any longer.
The modifications to Bing chat are being implemented at a time when users are showing an increased interest in using the service. Bing recently passed the milestone of 100 million daily active users, and approximately one third of those users are utilizing the new Bing. Microsoft is actively working to improve the service even further, and the CEO of Advertising and Web Services, Mikhail Parakhin, has teased a feature that will archive and save Bing chat conversations, which is the feature that is currently receiving the most requests.
The overall effect of these changes to Bing chat is expected to result in the service becoming even more user-friendly and responsive. It is abundantly clear that Bing chat is destined to become an even more integral part of the company’s AI-powered ecosystem. This is due to the fact that Microsoft is actively working to improve the service based on user feedback.