E3 kicked off last night and lots of amazing games were revealed for the first time ever. Microsoft had an amazing live stream where it revealed tens of games consecutively and one of the most interesting things to be announced during E3 is the fact that Square Enix wants to remake Final Fantasy VII. This is one of the most popular games to launch under the Final Fantasy franchise and according to the Japanese publisher, Final Fantasy VII Remake is going to launch on March 3rd, 2020.
Final Fantasy VII Remake
Even though Square Enix has yet to start its own press conference, the Japanese publisher didn’t want to waste any time and it confirmed that the much-anticipated Final Fantasy VII Remake is going to launch next year. To make things even better, Square Enix also released a short trailer for the game which shows important characters such as Cloud and Barret.
A New Experience
Square Enix is promising that the Final Fantasy VII Remake is going to give fans of the game a new experience and not only in terms of updated visuals. Final Fantasy VII Remake will also introduce an improved version of the Omnilash which looks much better than the 1997 version of it that everyone knows and loves.
Launching Next Year
Truth be told, fans of the original Final Fantasy VII were hoping that the enhanced version of the game would launch sooner. However, we have to give props to Square Enix for not rushing the project in order to capitalize on the nostalgia of gamers and turn it into a profit.
It’s better if we wait a little bit more and get a great game instead of an unfinished version of Final Fantasy VII Remake. Nonetheless, Square Enix is going to reveal more details on June 11th when its own press conference kicks off.