Telegram is one of the safest chatting apps available for free and this is why it has been downloaded by millions of people from all over the world. The app promises users that their private conversations and all other types of data such as pictures and videos are never going to be intercepted by any third parties and this is why Telegram is such a popular app in the Android community.
On the downside of things, the high level of encryption and a plethora of features that Telegram offers make the app quite large. This is why people who use entry-level smartphones that do not support microSD cards are having a difficult time installing the app. Fortunately, here is where Telegram X comes in and provides everyone with the perfect alternative.
Introducing: Telegram X
Telegram X is a lightweight version of the chatting app and despite its smaller size, Telegram X still offers users access to the same high level encryption system and tens of chatting features that have been specially designed to make it easier for users to get in touch with their friends and family members. To make things even better, Telegram X also benefits from full fledged developer support.
Telegram X Update
As previously noted, the lightweight app benefits from full fledged developer support. This means that Telegram X is updated on a regular basis and with that said, no one should be surprised to find out that Telegram X has just received a new update.
The latest update for Telegram X sports the version number and it introduces a handful of bug fixes that are taking care of various issues, thus improving the overall software stability of the chatting app. In addition, the update also introduces support for the Hungarian language.