One of the best things about using an Android-powered smartphone is the fact that you get access to the world’s best apps. The perfect example of this is Telegram X. If this is the first time that you are reading about Telegram X, then you should know that this is a premium chatting app that excels when it comes to user security.
Using Telegram X is the best way to make sure that there is no way for third-parties to intercept your messages or the data that you are sharing with your friends and family members. To make things even better, Telegram X is updated regularly with improvements and bug fixes.
Telegram X Beta Update
If you are a big fan of Telegram X, then you might want to consider joining the beta program. The reason why we are saying that is because beta users are always the first ones to access all the latest updates. In fact, a brand-new update that sports the beta version number is now available for download.
The only thing that Telegram X users who are enrolled in the beta program need to do in order to access the update is to simply keep their smartphones connected to a stable Wi-Fi network. The update is going to pop up in the notification panel.
What’s New?
Even though most of Telegram X’s updates focus on introducing software improvements, this is not the case for the latest one. The new beta update comes with a bunch of exciting features that you can check out below.
- Schedule Messages & Reminders
- Animated Emoji
- Bulk Actions in Chats List with the ability to select all chats at once
- Strikethrough, underline and nested formatting in text messages
- Send as File from the attachment menu
- Save to Gallery for images and videos sent as files
- Hold send button while forwarding to send as copy and other options
- Loop Animated Stickers toggle