Purchasing a car is a major investment for most households. Whether you need a car to get to work or if you simply want a vehicle around for emergencies or leisure, buying one represents a significant amount of money. Making sure that you choose wisely between buying a new or a used car is crucial to your financial health.
It is also important to know the nuances between new and used car loans. While it might seem that all credit is the same, there are big differences that may influence your decision about which type of loan, and vehicle, is best for your needs. Taking the time to learn about these differences will help you to make the right choice and secure the best deal in terms of your financial situation.
To get started, let’s look at some of the differences between a new and used car loan.
New Car Loans
Generally speaking, new car loans tend to have lower financing rates. This makes them highly attractive to those who are interested in having a low monthly payment. Typically, new cars are far more expensive than used cars and so these lower rates are used by car dealerships as a means of increasing the attractiveness of the offer.
Remember that new cars also typically have higher insurance rates. These costs will add a lot to the overall cost of buying a new car. Make sure that you factor in these costs when you are thinking about how much money you will need to borrow. Be prepared for the depreciation hit in the value of the car after you drive away with it as well.
As a plus, new cars typically run for a while before they need any major repairs, and if they do need repairs, these will likely be covered by the warranty.
Used Car Loans
Used cars have many financial advantages over new cars. The largest of these is that the previous owner of a used car is the person who took on the depreciation hit after they drove the vehicle off of the lot. This means that the value of the used car that you buy will be relatively stable and depreciate slowly over the time that you own it.
Used car loans also have many advantages. Since used cars are typically less expensive than new cars, the amount that you will need to borrow is significantly lower. Interest rates on used car loans, however, can be more expensive. This is because lenders calculate that a used car’s value will typically depreciate below the value of the loan over the time that you are repaying it. The higher interest rate is there as a mechanism to account for the increased risk of you being unable to pay back the loan.
Explore Your Options
The general advice outlined here represents only a rough overview of the differences between used and new car loans. There are many specific considerations that will differ depending on the lender you are using, the current economic environment, and your own financial situation.
The best way to save the most money when buying any type of vehicle is to have a good credit score and do plenty of research. Good credit scores will get you access to preferred rates with most lenders when searching for a new or used car loan. Researching will help you identify which lender is offering the best rate and save you a great deal of money and stress in the long run.
Take this information and make the best choice of a new or used vehicle that ensures your financial future will be bright.