Xiaomi may be planning to release a new smartwatch this year running Wear OS 3, according to a report by 9to5Google. The company has been successful in the smartwatch market with its proprietary Mi Fitness (Xiaomi Wear) app, but the lack of Wear OS has limited the user experience. Xiaomi’s new smartwatch, if released, will be a part of the Xiaomi Watch line and run on Wear OS 3, while still relying on the company’s Mi Fitness app. However, there are no details available on the design or features of the smartwatch.
While Xiaomi embracing Wear OS will provide users access to numerous Google apps and services, there could be heavy trade-offs. One such trade-off is the smartwatch’s battery life, which may suffer due to Wear OS. Additionally, the extended battery life is one of the most distinguishing features of Xiaomi’s wearables, and without it, the new smartwatch may not be as attractive to customers.
Xiaomi’s decision to move to Wear OS comes at a time when other tech giants are launching their new smartwatches with advanced features. Apple’s Watch Series 7 has been well received, and Samsung’s Galaxy Watch 4 is also gaining popularity. By embracing Wear OS, Xiaomi will have a chance to provide more competition to other players in the market.
The smartwatch market is highly competitive, and the entry of Xiaomi into the Wear OS space will only make it more so. However, the success of Xiaomi’s new smartwatch will depend on its design, features, and battery life, and it remains to be seen whether Xiaomi can provide a strong product that will attract customers.