Apple has been hard at work behind closed doors on its augmented reality and mixed reality headgear for quite some time now. On the other hand, as the release date of the product draws closer, more details are starting to appear online. Ming-Chi Kuo, a well-known Apple tipster & analyst, released a lengthy blog post on Medium not too long ago in which he discussed his anticipations for a new Apple product. In addition to that, Kuo brought forward the anticipated release date.
Is the Apple headset going to be released soon?
In his blog post, Kuo claimed that Apple is likely to launch its augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR) headgear in January 2023, which is roughly six months from now. The new information lends credence to rumors that Apple’s augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR) headgear would be delayed and moved to the following year. Readers should take this information with a grain of salt since Apple has not officially disclosed the release date. Nevertheless, it is crucial to note that Apple has not released the release date officially.
In addition to this, Kuo said that the AR/MR headset that Apple is developing is one of the most difficult devices that the business has ever manufactured. It involves a large number of Apple suppliers, each of which must have supplied Apple with a unique component. Keeping this information in mind, if the product is a huge hit, it will have a favorable effect on Apple’s value, which will result in an increase in the stock price of the business during the following couple of years. The fact that Apple has such devoted customers exempts the corporation from the need to comply with Metaverse Standards. It has the potential to give rise to a whole new domain of entertainment & gaming options centered on mixed reality.
Additionally, Kuo claimed that the Apple AR/MR headset may reestablish the business in a different manner than previously thought. Virtual reality headsets have indeed been able to create digital visuals over the course of its development. On the other hand, Apple’s next headset could have the ability to superimpose augmented items and creatures on top of things in the actual environment. As a result, the device’s see-through design and various potential use cases might make it a huge success, hence increasing the demand for augmented reality (AR) gaming and entertainment alternatives.