What better way to start off the summer vacation other than to receive a major update for your favorite game? With that said, people who enjoy playing Fortnite on their PCs and consoles should be happy to find out that the much-anticipated patch 9.30 is now available for download. This is a high-priority release because it comes with lots of new content and more importantly, changes to the way guns work. Therefore, today we are going to take a closer look at the patch notes for the new update so that all Fortnite know what’s coming their way.
Fortnite Content Patch 9.30
Weapons & Items
- Available in Epic and Legendary variants.
- Fires Medium Ammo.
- Holds 6 rounds.
- 63 / 66 damage per shot.
- Headshot multiplier of 2.
- Available from Floor loot, Chests, Vending Machines, Supply Drops, and Loot Carriers.
- Rare Tactical Assault Rifle
- With the unvaulting of the Suppressed Submachine Gun, we wanted to make sure loot distribution in this class of item was well distributed.
- Impulse Grenades
- Rift-To-Go
- Pirate Cannon
- Uncommon and Rare Pump Shotgun
- Available in floor loot and Vending Machines
- There’s been a lot of feedback around the Tactical Shotgun and Combat Shotgun effectiveness, and so we’re experimenting with a world where the Pump Shotgun joins the current shotgun lineup.
- Shockwave Grenade
- Suppressed SMG
- We feel the Suppressed Submachine Gun can fill a complementary role to the Burst Submachine Gun as a viable alternative.
- Common, Uncommon, and Rare Revolver
Tactical Shotgun
- Availability from floor loot reduced from 8.19% to 5.4%
- Headshot Multiplier increased from 2 to 2.25
Burst SMG
- Availability adjustments
- Availability from floor loot reduced from 5.03% to 3.1%
- Availability from chests reduced from 18.66% to 10.32%
- Balance adjustments
- Base accuracy increased by 13.6%
- Jumping accuracy penalty reduced from 15% to 5%
- Sprinting accuracy penalty reduced from 30% to 20%
- Base damage increased from 23/24/25 to 24/25/26
- The Burst SMG was dropping a bit too frequently for the role it was intended to fill. Additionally, it was underperforming when compared to similar items.
Semi-Auto Sniper Rifle
- Availability from floor loot reduced from 0.65% to 0.44%
- Availability from chests reduced from 5.1% to 3.4%
Flintknock Pistol
- Availability from floor loot reduced from 1.97% to 1.32%
Infantry Rifle
- Increased the Epic and Legendary Infantry Rifle clip size from 8 to 10
- Increased player damage from 18/19 to 20/21
- Reduced clip size from 50 to 40
- Reduced fire rate from 9 to 8
- Since the unvaulting, the Drum Gun has outperformed in unintended areas. This adjustment should help create more counterplay in combat.
Heavy Assault Rifle
- Increased damage from 36/38/40 to 38/40/42
- The Heavy Assault Rifle usage rates aren’t quite where we’d like. This adjustment to Damage is intended to offset some of the downsides of the weapon.
Supply Llama
- Increased the material count from 200 of each to 350 of each
- Increased the total number of Llamas per match from 3 to 5