Home Games Fortnite Season 11 – Everything You Need to Know About “The End”

Fortnite Season 11 – Everything You Need to Know About “The End”


Fortnite Season 10’s is a couple of days away from being over and fans have lots to look forward to. The season is scheduled to end on Sunday, October 13th and quickly after that Season 11 will arrive. As all Fortnite fans know already, Epic doesn’t like to reveal what kind of features the new season brings but fortunately, we already have a pretty good idea of what to expect thanks to datamining and leaks. With that being said, today we are going to check out everything there is to know about Fortnite Season 11.

When Does Season 11 Start?

The question that everyone must be asking right now is when does Season 11 start? Epic has announced that it will hold a major in-game event ahead of the highly anticipated Season 11 that is called “The End”.

After the event comes to a finish, Season 11 is going to kick off and Fortnite fans will have lots of rewards to win. Nonetheless, the pre-season event is scheduled to start on 11 AM PT/ 2 PM ET on October 13th.

What’s Happening During “The End”?

With a name like “The End”, it should come as no surprise that the event is going to introduce lots of interesting gameplay changes to Fortnite. Previous leaks have shown that Epic is looking to introduce “The Visitor” which is a new character that uses time-traveling abilities. His rocket is what caused the giant rift in the sky back in Season 4 and kicked off all the events that led to “The End”.

“The Visitor” returned to Fortnite in Season 10 under the nickname “The Scientist” and he started working n a new rocket at the Dusty Depot. We believe that the rocket is going to launch once the all countdown times expire. To make things even more interesting, the antagonist is believed to have infected Fortnite’s BRUTE mechs with a virus that is going to make them explode.