With fast-changing education system, there is a need for a curriculum that makes it easy for students to realize their potential. That is why vocational training programs and practical subjects like Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) become a focal point.
A need for a total overhaul of the education sector in the fast-paced world, therefore, becomes indispensable, and of course with the involvement of every stakeholder. In retrospect, it is time to do away with an old system that is no longer feasible in the information age. A one-size-fits-all learning system is no longer a viable approach to teaching; neither is one that categorizes students into intelligent groups.
Moreover, a strong emphasis on a learning culture that caters to different skill sets, thereby allowing students to develop their talents and goals becomes necessary. In a nutshell, we can do better with a system that lets children choose what they enjoy doing, and in the process, discover things at which they are good.
A case of coping with difficult economic times
Presently, most students find it hard to cope with an economic meltdown because of a traditional education system that emphasizes knowledge at the expense of job market skills and practice. The current curriculum fails to address a need-based approach to teaching, especially for the future generation, but rather, focus on bookish knowledge that expires as soon as one walks out of the classroom.
On these premises, it, therefore, goes that the importance of education for children should emphasize the passion of learners, their creative prowess, initiation, self-reliable and resilience. It should be about training individuals who will have what it takes to lead, not by simply understanding the basics of education, but taking part in practical learning experiences beyond the four walls of a classroom. It should also include the initiation of projects with the help of experts, something which involves integrating theories and practice.
In the United Kingdom, especially after the launch of an educational initiative dubbed ‘call to action,’ students, parents, members of parliament and professionals have continued to play a vital part in changing advocacy in the education sector. The response has been very impressive, and today, vocational and practical learning experiences are no longer a reserve for a select group of students. In doing so, vital six steps to change have been identified, and they spell out the following:
Steps to education system overhaul
In these steps, the UK government identifies among other things, areas that need reforms, something which further lends credence to why education is important only if there is a good system in place. The changes are not only necessary for a better learning process, but also to employers whose interests in top talents is unquenchable.
- A broad-based education curriculum that emphasizes harnessing of skills among children aged up to 14 years. Issues like problem solving, teamwork and business enterprise skills should be administered and tested using practical learning activities. And, in the interest of the future generation, students should also visit colleges/universities, companies/organizations to learn directly from people in the professional world.
- A switch from SATS to profile building, aptitudes and skills beyond the age of 14. In so doing, it is important that parents and teachers evaluate and understand the strengths, interests, abilities and ambitions of students before helping them make career decisions. A path chosen going forward should, therefore, emphasize either academic-theory approach and connect it to real-world practical experiences or a complete practicum that enables students to further explore their skills and talents.
- Students undertaking a practicum, including those undergoing vocational training to do so under the guidance of highly experienced and professional staff in specialist institutions/facilities. The aim is to inspire motivation even as they go through a professional phase in their learning curve.
- By age 16, students would be allowed to choose a field in which they want to specialize or switch to another career path with the option of training on the job. A case in point is where a student who pursues engineering opts for mechanical engineering or may choose a full-time education by joining an apprenticeship program. It is an area in which you may want to hire a custom writing service to do a research paper.
- At the age of 18, one would be free to pursue a degree course at a vocational training centre with the approval of an employer. This way, such centres get a facelift both as paths of progress and means of harnessing skills for a competitive job market.
- Finally, ensuring that changes in vocational training are adaptable to the demands of modern workplaces and approved by employers and educational experts. Students should spend at least 10 per cent off at a workplace, which is about 8 months to 2 years.
Why are the six steps necessary?
The truth is that the current system is prejudiced, and only serves the interest of a few who can afford it. Studies also indicate that it is the reason why a sharp divide between practice and knowledge-based approach in colleges/Universities exist. Thus, implementation of the above six steps will help do away with the biases given their emphasis on integrating theory and practice, hence, the realization of a high quality education system.
The Bottom Line
It is time to roll out a new system in education to replace an old one that is no longer valuable. It should be enjoyable while also laying a strong emphasis on EdTech and pedagogy, skill advancement, practical knowledge and apprenticeship.
Author’s Bio: Crystal Roman is a professor and a vocational trainer on emerging educational technologies. She has also authored several books on modern-day educational trends. If Roman is not teaching, she is researching various forms of pedagogy and how they are transforming the education systems around the world.