It’s been almost one month since SnapTube has received its latest APK update and it looks like time has come for a new one. The developers who are in charge of SnapTube have recently released a new APK update that changes the app’s version number to “ beta” and it’s available right now.
Today we are going to present readers with everything they need to know about APK updates and what type of software tweaks this latest SnapTube update introduces.
New SnapTube Update
If you enjoy using SnapTube to download online videos and free music, then you should be pleased to know that the latest SnapTube “ beta” update introduces a bunch of software tweaks and bug fixes that improve the overall stability of the app.
There’s nothing more annoying than trying to download an online video only to have the app crash, but this is never going to happen to SnapTube as long as the developers keep releasing a constant stream of APK updates.
How to Install APK Updates
The first thing that SnapTube fans who want to install an APK update need to do is to search for a reliable APK website and download the desired version. The second requirement is to head over to the Settings panel of their Android-powered smartphone and enable the “Unknown Sources” feature. All that’s left now is to tap on the recently downloaded APK file and wait for it to be installed.
The reason why SnapTube’s developers release updates in the form of APK and OTA (over the air) is that SnapTube’s services go against the Terms of Services of the Google Play Store. Therefore, SnapTube is not available through the regular app store, but getting it from another website is not such a big problem when considering that SnapTube offers an endless source of offline video entertainment.