Redmi Note 7 Pro is expected to launch on February 28th in India and the smartphone’s press renders have been leaked. The leaked press renders confirm to us that Redmi Note 7 Pro is indeed launching during the upcoming days, but not just that. The pictures also give us a glimpse of the features that Redmi Note 7 Pro will have to offer and the sleek design which resemblances iPhone X.
Redmi Note 7 Pro Leaked Press Renders
Redmi President Lu Weibinig announced last week that the smartphone is going to launch soon, but we didn’t know just how soon. Well, now that the leaked press renders are out Redmi decided to announce that the smartphone is coming out on February 28th and that it will be available in the Black, Gradient Red and Gradient Blue color models. With that said, let’s check out what type of hardware specs the smartphone hides beneath its hood.
Under the Hood
Even though Redmi Note 7 Pro has not yet been officially revealed, we already have a pretty good idea of what to expect thanks to previous leaks and an FCC report. Therefore, Redmi Note 7 Pro will ship with a 6.3-inches display that uses IPS LCD technology. The display offers a high pixel resolution of 1080 x 2340 and a pixel density of 409ppi.
If we take a look under the smartphone’s hood, we are going to see that it is powered by Qualcomm’s octa-core Snapdragon 675 CPU which clocks at 2.20Ghz Kyro 460 Gold. The smartphone is also equipped with an Adreno 612 graphics processing unit and 6GB of RAM.
Customers will be able to purchase the smartphone in the 64GB and 128GB internal storage space models. However, both models can have their internal storage space expanded up to 256GB via microSD.