Home Apps Google Chrome 80.0.3987.149 Update Brings New Features and Improvements

Google Chrome 80.0.3987.149 Update Brings New Features and Improvements


What better way to start off the day other than to receive a new update for your favorite mobile app? With that being said, Google Chrome fans should be pleased to find out that a brand-new update is coming their way. The update sports the 80.0.3987.149 version number and it is available to download via Google’s official over the air channels. Therefore, let’s go ahead and check out everything there is to know about the new update.

Google Chrome 80.0.3987.149 Update

Since the update is rolling out via over the air channels, this means that the only thing that Google Chrome fans are required to do in order to access it is to keep their smartphones connected to a stable Wi-Fi network. Alternatively, the update can be manually downloaded and installed in the form of APK (Android Package Kit).

Major Software Updates

The new 80.0.3987.149 for Google Chrome focuses on improving the overall performances of the mobile browser and this is why it comes with a bundle of bug fixes and under the hood software tweaks. Therefore, Google Chrome will run faster than usual.

New Features

To make things even better, the new Google Chrome update also comes with a bunch of new features. Let’s check out the patch notes so that all Google Chrome fans know what’s coming their way.

  • Quieter notifications: You can see fewer notification requests with a new permission option.
  • SameSite cookies: By default, cookies are treated as same-site only.
  • Secure media: Insecure audio and video on secure pages are automatically upgraded to secure connections.


Our conclusion is that the new update for Google Chrome is a high-priority update and that everyone who enjoys using the mobile browser should make sure to download it as soon as possible.