Equipped with the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 processor, 8 to 12GB of RAM, and a huge LTPO 6.81-inch OLED display, the Honor Magic 5 Pro is clearly one of the most amazing smartphones available on the market. It was launched this year, back in late March, and it’s now becoming available in another country where the smartphone market is teeming with powerful gadgets.
If you live in the UK, you now have the chance to get your hands on the Honor Magic5 Pro as well, according to the company’s website.
Orders start on April 19
In a bit more than a week, you can place your order for the new Honor Magic5 Pro device if you live anywhere in the UK. If you choose to subscribe now, you can benefit from an early bird voucher of £80.
Honor Magic5 Pro launches in the UK https://t.co/BVLMuIF9xQ pic.twitter.com/ix5uPqvJa6
— GSMArena.com (@gsmarena_com) April 11, 2023
HONOR Magic5 Pro Review: Versatile, Powerful and Beautiful
🔗 Pocketnow: https://t.co/iS8Kzu5VOM#HONOR #Magic5Pro #HONORMagic5Pro @Honorglobal @Pocketnow pic.twitter.com/h9YSRkl9E2
— Roland Udvarlaki (@Techusiast) April 11, 2023
If you want to buy the Honor Magic5 Pro from the UK territory, you’ll need to pull out of your account/wallet the amount of £949.99. You can choose to buy either the green version of the phone or the black one. Perhaps more color options up for grabs would have represented a good idea, but even so, you know what they say: it’s better than nothing, right?
The Honor Magic5 Pro has a design that looks as if it’s coming straight from a sci-fi movie with aliens, and perhaps that’s one of the reasons why the phone has already become relatively popular.
The main camera setup is surrounded by a circle-shaped frame, and it consists of three lenses of 50MP each. There is a wide lens, a periscope telephoto lens, and an ultrawide lens. The phone’s main camera setup also has features such as panorama, LED flash, and HDR.
Honor Magic5 Pro can record videos in up to 4K quality with both its main camera and the front snapper.