If you like using Telegram to communicate with your friends and family members, then you might want to give Telegram X a try. This is an enhanced version of the chatting app and the client is based on TDLib. For the unfamiliar, the TDLib based client is enabling Telegram X to provide faster speeds, slicker animations for GIFs and more importantly, access to experimental features. Talking about experimental features, Telegram X fans can now download a brand-new update that introduces a bunch of new features and improvements.
Telegram X Beta Update
Telegram X fans who are enrolled in the beta program of the app should be happy to know that a new update is coming their way. The update is changing Telegram X’s build number to beta and it is available to download over the air. This means that the update will pop up in the notifications panel of all Telegram X who are keeping their smartphones connected to the internet.
Alternatively, the update can also be manually downloaded. This is impossible by downloading the update in the form of APK (Android Package Kit) and installing it directly on the smartphone’s internal storage.
The tricky part about installing APK releases is that they are compatible only with Android-powered smartphones that have enabled the “Unknown Sources” function.
New Features
Now that we have presented what are the two main ways to download the latest update for Telegram X, let’s go ahead and take a look at the patch notes.
- Three-lines chats list. Change via Settings — Themes and Chats — Chats List Style
- Icons in the chats list for media messages
- New emoji
- New animation when opening profile & view long chat titles
- Unified notifications & chats list message preview
- Resend failed messages
- Albums and multiple forwarded messages display as one notification