Home Technology The Final 2022 Update to Telegram Is Packed With Features

The Final 2022 Update to Telegram Is Packed With Features

Credit: Dima Solomin on Unsplash

The Telegram team prepared another big feature update. Spoiler style for media, new sketching tools, zero storage use, and more are just a few of the new features included in the current release.

Telegram now supports the addition of spoiler formatting for both photos and videos, in addition to text. This emerges as a blurry, glimmering overlay over the media, hiding the information underneath until the user touches on it.

You can now manage your storage to automatically delete media files from Private Chats, Groups, and Channels, with the ability to make exceptions for individual conversations. On iOS, the loading time of pie charts has been drastically cut down, allowing you to quickly see what’s eating up your storage space.

The app’s sketching tools have been enhanced to include a new blur tool and five high-precision color tools, one of which is an eyedropper. The line width of the drawing tools adapts to the user’s drawing pace and the lines are automatically smoothed out. When including photographs or videos, non-Telegram Premium users still have access to customizable animated emoji and the ability to alter text size, font, and background.

Also, every one of your contacts may now have their own profile image that only you will see. Your contact may quickly and easily set the image with only two taps once you recommend it. In addition to the photo you use to identify yourself to your contacts, you may also upload a public profile picture.

Admins of groups with 100 or more members may now choose to conceal individual members. This way, no one except the group’s administrator will know you’re there until you actively participate by making a post.
The rest of the updates provide additional interactive emoji, ten new animated emoji set for Premium users, as well as progress animations when moving to certain locations in the conversation on Android.