We have some great news to share with WhatsApp fans today! The developers who are in charge of the chatting app have published a brand-new update that sports the version number. The update is available to download for all WhatsApp users who are enrolled in the beta program and it is rolling out via official OTA (over the air) channels. With that being said, let’s go ahead and check out all there is to know about the improvements that the update brings.
WhatsApp Beta Update
Right from the start, we want to mention that enrolling in the WhatsApp beta program is super easy. The developers are accepting everyone who uses an Android-powered smartphone and is willing to provide feedback to the developers.
After joining the beta program, the update will automatically pop up in the notifications panel. If that doesn’t happen, users can always choose to manually trigger it by accessing the official WhatsApp Play Store page.
It’s also worth noting that WhatsApp users who don’t want to join the beta program can choose to manually download and install the update in the form of APK (Android Package Kit).
What’s New?
The new update for WhatsApp is a high-priority release. The reason behind this is that the update comes with a bundle of useful features. The feature that stands out the most is disappearing messages. Users can now send messages that will automatically disappear after 7 days! Nonetheless, let’s go ahead and check out the full patch notes:
- Introducing disappearing messages. Now you can set chats to disappear after 7 days.
- Search your stickers with text and emoji or categories.
- Decorate your photos and videos with smoother drawing and new alignment guides.
- Now you can set a custom wallpaper for a chat or set a dark mode wallpaper. Choose from a refreshed wallpaper gallery or new colors over the doodle background.