WhatsApp has introduced new updates that aim to improve the customization and engagement of group chats. The new tools, available on the latest Android version, offer increased media sharing and captioning capabilities, longer group subject lines and descriptions, and personalized avatars.
The most significant improvement is the media sharing cap, which now allows users to send up to 100 videos and photos in a single chat, up from the previous limit of 30. This change will make it easier for users to share their vacation or event photos in bulk, saving them time and effort.
The document captioning feature is another useful addition that allows users to add a quick flash of information before others view it, making it easier to understand the context of the document. The longer group subject lines and descriptions enable users to provide more detailed information about the group, making it easier for new members to understand the group’s purpose and activities.
WhatsApp has also reminded users of its previously introduced feature that enables them to create personalized avatars that can be used as both a sticker and profile photo. This feature adds a personal touch to conversations and helps users stand out in group chats.
In its latest beta phase, WhatsApp is testing a new feature called “Kept Messages.” This feature allows users to keep messages that were previously set to disappear. This will enable users to go back and view them again even after they were set to expire and disappear. The feature plays off the Disappearing Messages feature and offers a more flexible approach to message retention.
These new updates show WhatsApp’s commitment to improving the user experience and making the app more versatile and customizable. By offering more tools for media sharing, captioning, and personalization, WhatsApp is making group chats more engaging and easier to use. As the app continues to evolve, users can expect more updates that improve their experience and add new features to keep them engaged.