GWENT: The Witcher Card Game fans should be pleased to know that a brand-new update is coming from CD Projekt RED. The update is rolling out for Android and iOS devices right now and today we are going to check out the patch notes. Make sure to stick around for the end because the update introduces lots of major gameplay changes and new features.
GWENT: The Witcher Card Game – 7.3 Update
- The following leader abilities have been tagged as Spam abilities (desynced from leader animations): Carapace, Blood Scent, Overwhelming Hunger, Shieldwall, Guerilla Tactics, Natures Gift
- Veteran keyword contracts now progress correctly
- Bomb Heaver ability changed to: Deploy: Damage an enemy unit by 1. If you have a Bomb in your hand, damage it by 3 instead.
- Vivienne: Oriole ability changed to: Deploy: Boost self by the provisions of the unit on the right.
- Frenzied D’ao power changed from 6 to 7. Provision changed from 8 to 7. Ability changed to: Deploy: Move a unit to other row.
- Dimeritium Bomb ability changed to: Damage a unit by 3 and give it Veil.
- Dancing Star ability changed to: Damage an enemy unit by 3. Deathblow: Damage the unit to the right by 1 less.
- Blizzard provision changed from 6 to 8. Ability changed to: Destroy the lowest-power unit. Initiative: Destroy all units with the lowest power instead.
- Shupe Hunter: Resilience ability changed to Destroy an artifact.
- Shupe Knight: Destroy an artifact ability changed to Resilience.
Developer comment: In 7.3 we decided to rework most of artifact removal cards. The ones we’ve chosen felt overly impactful when they found the target, and very underwhelming when they didin’t. This lead to very polarising gameplay experience, as the games often came down to presence (or lack of) cards like Bomb Heaver. To compensate for this change, we decided to slightly nerf the two most powerful scenarios – Masquerade Ball and Passiflora.
That being said, not all ways of removing artifacts have been deleted from the game. Korathi Heatwave can still target artifacts, as we believe it’s a card that trades fairly with scenarios and finds good targets even when your opponent isn’t playing any artifacts. Moreover, Shupe can still remove artifacts, but now as Hunter (and the Resilience option came back for Knight).
- Phoenix provision changed from 13 to 11.
Developer comment: Since Caranthir can no longer copy Phoenix, its provision cost can go down to 11.
- Olgierd von Everec now has a Bandit category.
- Ruehin primary category changed to Insectoid.
- Ard Gaeth provision changed from 10 to 9.
- Ghoul power changed from 1 to 2.
- Celeano Harpy ability changed to: Deploy: Consume an allied unit, Bonded: Spawn a Harpy Egg in this row.
Developer comment: When Papa harpy and Mamma harpy really love each other…
- Naglfar’s Crew now has 1 armor.
- Siren ability changed to: Deploy: Boost an ally by 1. If it’s a Beast, boost it by 3 instead.
- Haunt is now Doomed.
- Mourntart armor changed from 0 to 1.
- Derran power changed from 4 to 7. Ability changed to: Deploy (Ranged): Damage self by 3, then move a card from your deck to your graveyard.
Developer comment: Derran played on ranged row still plays for the same amount of points, but now also synergises with all the heals Skellige has to offer. Moreover, if you feel like you don’t need his Deploy ability, you can play him on melee row and get a 7 point unit.
- Olaf provision changed from 11 to 10.
- Rage of the Sea provision bonus changed from 14 to 13. Ability changed to: Order: Spawn Rain on enemy row for 2 turns and Deafening Siren on the opposite row. Charge: 2
Developer comment: Rage of the Sea has proven to be very strong in 7.2 patch. It’s both powerful and flexible ability, so we lowered the provision bonus it offers, as well as limited its flexibility – now you have only 2 charges and you need 2 turns to get full value from each of them.
- An Craite Greatsword damage dealt to self changed from 5 to 6.
Developer comment: We like the new Greatsword a lot, but he is a little bit too powerful. With this change, he should be slightly easier to remove before getting his full value.
- Stunning Blow provision changed from 4 to 5. Ability changed to: Damage a unit by 5. If it has Armor, increase damage to 6.
Developer comment: Stunning Blow was a staple part of Skellige decks since its release. We think that such a good removal tool should have a cost, so we decided to bring it up to 5 provisions and 5 damage to be in line with cards like Nature’s Rebuke and Boiling Oil. If you want to spend 4 provisions on removal, Gutting Slash is your friend. If you are willing to spend more, Stunning Blow remains a great, albeit more expensive option.
- Gedyneith is now Doomed.
Northern Realms
- Viraxas: Prince, Viraxas: Outcast, Viraxas: King provision changed from 11 to 12.
- Amphibious Assault provision changed from 12 to 13.
- Shieldwall provision bonus changed from 14 to 13.
- Damned Sorceress ability changed to: Zeal. Order: Remove a unit’s shield and boost self by 2. Charge 1.
- Siege is now Doomed.
- Feign Death provision changed from 13 to 14. Ability changed to: Doomed. Scenario: Progress whenever you play an Elf. Prologue: Spawn an Vernossiel’s Commando in this row. Chapter 1: Spawn 2 Elven Deadeyes in this row. Chapter 2: Spawn and play Waylay.
Developer comment: Feign Death, as all the other scenarios, now spawns an engine card on Prologue, but its provision cost has been increased by 1.
- Ithlinne Aegli provision changed from 11 to 10.
- Zoltan: Warrior provision changed from 12 to 11.
- Vrihedd Dragoon provision changed from 5 to 4. Power changed from 5 to 4.
- Vrihedd Officer ability changed to: Deploy (Melee): Damage an enemy unit by 2. Deploy (Ranged): Boost an allied unit by 2. Bonded: Use both abilities.
- Paulie Dahlberg ability changed to: Deploy: Move a unit to the other row. Order: Give an allied unit 2 armor.
- Masquerade Ball is now Doomed. Provision changed from 14 to 15.
Developer comment: As a result of changes to artifact removal, Masquerade Ball is now Doomed (like all the other scenarios) and slightly more expensive. But worry not – this change also comes with a bunch of buffs to the faction.
- Palmerin de Launfal ability changed to: Deploy: Damage an enemy unit by 2. Deathblow: Apply Spying to adjacent enemy units. If Milton is in your hand, always trigger Deathblow ability.
Developer comment: Palmerin applying Shields might’ve been cool, but there weren’t many practical uses for this ability. We decided to change his Deploy into something that synergises with Milton more. Since Miltons ability is best used with with Disloyal units, Palmerin will also go on a mission to find and expose every spy in Toussaint.
- Milton de Peyrac-Peyran provision changed from 8 to 7.
- Slave Infantry provision changed from 5 to 4.
- Vicovaro Novice provision changed from 5 to 4. Power changed from 5 to 4.
- Slave Hunter power changed from 3 to 4. Ability changed to: Assimilate. Order: Damage an enemy unit by 2.
- Slave Driver now has a Soldier category.
- Vrygheff provision changed from 9 to 8.
- Letho of Gulet power changed from 6 to 8.
- Shilard Fitz-Oesterlen power changed from 4 to 5.
- Sigi Reuven power changed from 3 to 4.
- Passiflora ability changed to: Doomed. Scenario: Progress whenever you play a Blindeye. Prologue: Spawn Passiflora Peaches in this row. Chapter 1: Gain 6 Coins. Chapter 2: Spawn Sly Seductress in this row.
Developer comment: Passiflora’s main strength comes from the fact that it spawns two engine cards. With changes to artifact removal, we decided to swap the order of chapters – to get both Passiflora Peaches and Sly Seductress on the board, you need an extra turn.
- Caesar Bilzen Fee changed from 3 to 2.
- Payday ability changed to: Damage an enemy unit by 5. Gain a coin for each point of excess damage dealt.