Home Apps SHAREit – Top 5 Features and Latest APK Update

SHAREit – Top 5 Features and Latest APK Update


The main reason why smartphones are becoming so popular and why everyone owns one nowadays is because they are super useful. It’s not just about being able to text and call people, but also about using powerful apps such as SHAREit. Talking about SHAREit, this is one the best file sharing app in the world and it has been downloaded by more than 9,6 million people only on the Google Play Store!

Considering that millions of people use SHAREit on a daily basis, we think it’s safe to assume that this app delivers powerful performances and a premium user experience. However, want to make it clear to everyone what SHAREit is capable of and today we are going to take a look at the app’s best features and the latest APK update that was released only a couple of days ago.

Powerful File Sharing App

Just like the app’s name implies, SHAREit is an app that excels at transferring data between multiple smartphones. The app’s software is constantly tweaked so that SHAREit can transfer data in a secure and fast way.

The most important thing when it comes to sharing files is speed and everyone who wants to give SHAREit a try should be happy to know that this app can share files at speeds that go up to 20Mb/s. This is 200 times faster than Bluetooth!

To make things even better, the quality of the files that are being transferred through SHAREit don’t lose any of their quality in the process, thus making SHAREit the ideal app to share videos and high resolution pictures with.

Premium Security

Even though most people are going to use SHAREit in order to share memes, pictures and videos with their friends, there are some people who will need SHAREit in order to share important files such as work documents. Therefore, the developers of SHAREit have made sure to equip the app with a premium security system which guarantees that third-party entities are not going to be able to “snatch” any files that are being transferred via SHAREit.

Excellent Video Player

What many people don’t know about SHAREit is that this app does much more than to simply transfer data. SHAREit is also equipped with an excellent video player that supports all types of video formats. Moreover, SHAREit can be used to watch HD online videos which can be downloaded for offline use.

Find New Music

Do you love discovering new music? If your answer is yes, then SHAREit might be just the right app for you. The reason why we are saying this is because SHAREit’s UI (user interface) is equipped with a special panel called “Discover Trending Music”. This panel features all the high quality songs and thousands of curated playlists that can be listened online and offline.

Great Music Equalizer

We previously mentioned that SHAREit can be used to find new music and to listen to it both offline and line. However, this not all that SHAREit can do when it comes to music. SHAREit is equipped with a premium music player that features a highly customizable equalizer. This is a nice feature that people can use in order to increase the impressiveness of the music that they are listening to.

New Updates

The last thing that we want to cover when it comes to SHAREit is the fact that this app is always improving through APK updates. In fact, SHAREit has recently received a brand-new APK update that changes the app’s build number to 4.6.38 and everyone can find out more about it by clicking here.