It has been months in the making, but now Telegram has finally released its subscription-based service. It’s called Telegram Premium, and it comes with a slew of exclusive perks. Additionally, Telegram has announced that it has crossed 700 million users, which is a significant milestone for the instant messaging application that competes with platforms like WhatsApp and Messenger.
There is now a paid version of Telegram called Telegram Premium. Telegram recently revealed that it now has over 700 million monthly engaged users through a blog post on its official website. This shows that all of the company’s growth has come from word-of-mouth recommendations, not paid advertising. In addition, Telegram did mention the release of its paid version.
Telegram has stated that all of the features that were available prior to the launch of Telegram Premium will remain free of charge. Some premium features will remain accessible to free users as well. They can, for example, download premium users’ files and view their unique stickers. Telegram Premium costs $4.99 per month.
What’s new in Telegram Pro?
- Animated avatars will be available to premium users, both in the chat room and on their home screens.
- Chat management that allows users to open the app in a specific chat category folder is also available.
- Personal and group chats can both send and receive customized stickers and message reactions.
- up to 10 chats can be pinned
- Customizable home screen app icon sets that feature high-quality application icons.
- Voice messages can be converted to text for Premium users.
- Large files can be downloaded at lightning speed for Premium subscribers.
- up to 20 public links can be reserved.
- a maximum of 400 GIFs can be saved
- A special star-shaped badge will appear next to the user’s name in the application for Telegram Premium users.
- You can send files of up to 4GB in size to Telegram Premium users.
- Telegram’s premium users will not see the advertisements that appear in large public channels.
- up to 1000 channels
- you can write a more detailed bio